Picture | Name and surname | Filiation | CVN |
 | Isabel de la Torre Díez
 | Department of Signal Theory, Communications and Telematics Engineering (UVa) |  |
 | Francisco Martín Rodríguez
 | Departamento de Medicina. servicio de Emergencias 112 |  |
| Beatriz Sainz de Abajo
Department of Signal Theory, Communications and Telematics Engineering (UVa)
|  |
 | Susel Góngora Alonso
 | Department of Signal Theory, Communications and Telematics Engineering (UVa) |  |
 | Isabel Herrera Montano  | Department of Signal Theory, Communications and Telematics Engineering (UVa) |  |
| Dr. Miguel Maldonado López
 | University Institute of Applied Ophthalmology (UVa) |  |
| Dr. Carlos del Pozo Vegas
 | Clinical University hospital of Valladolid |  |
 | Dr. Manuel A. Franco
 | Zamora Hospital, Psychiatry Service |  |
 | Juan Luis Muñoz | Zamora Hospital, Psychiatry Service |  |
 | Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues
 | National Institute of Communications of Brazil |  |
 | Gema Castillo
 | Technological University of Panama, Panama |  |
 | Gonçalo Marques
 | Telecommunications Institute, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal |  |
 | Deevyankar Agarwal
 | PhD student, University of Valladolid |  |
 | Junaid Qadir
 | Department of Signal Theory, Communications and Telematics Engineering (UVa) |  |
 | Jude Hemanth
 | Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences, CBE |  | Ashish Khanna
 | Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, India |  | Deepak Gupta
 | Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, India |  |